Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Rodeo is a sport that many choose to participate in but only a portion of these people really take it seriously. Most people that seriously participate in rodeo have been doing it for the majority of their lives. In the rodeo world we like to use the term “rodeo'ers” for theses people. Yes, I know “rodeo'ers” is not a real word but who says a subculture cannot create their own lingo?

I’m one of these people and it’s amazing how many others I’ve grown up with participating in this sport. For the majority of us this fantastic sport has become much more than just a hobby or a sport. It has become a way of life that can only be interpreted as something that is a part of us. Next time you’re at a rodeo ask a cowboy or cowgirl how they feel about it and if they’re truly a die hard cowboy or cowgirl they would probably say they couldn’t live without it.

A lot of the time the ones that feel this deep passion will do anything to be able to compete. This means having to sacrifice numerous things and a lot of the time being broke. It’s like Garth Brooks says in his song Rodeo: “he’ll sell off everything he owns just to pay to play the game.” In fact if you were to listen to this entire song and take it seriously you would have a good idea of what it’s like to love the sport of rodeo. Another quote from this song that hits the head on the nail is: “his need for it controls a man.” I couldn’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve spent my last dime, without even thinking twice, to cover my entry fee or to be able to make it to the rodeo five hours away. It’s almost like gambling but on your self. I’ve even been asked on numerous occasions to cover other people’s entry fees. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is the only sport where the people considered your “competition” are actually the ones you consider your closest friends and family; this makes for an enjoyable relaxed atmosphere.




  1. I must admit, I am one who likes to watch a good rodeo. There is something about it that you can't stop yourself from enjoying. The atmosphere of them is care free- at least for the guy in the crowd. I’m sure the feeling of the guy sitting on top of the bull isn’t as care free. But I never could understand the mentality of a guy who would strap himself on to a 2000 pound angry bull that has been bred for being angry. I didn't know if it was bravery, or stupidity, or maybe a little of both. I know many reasons can make a man (or woman) want to do it but, I never wanted to jump in the ring. I had a rodeo club in my school, and any sport in which death is a very real consequence of participating in, for the least gets my respect.

  2. That’s awesome that you like rodeos. I have to admit, if you had said you didn’t like them I might have been a little offended. I’m just kidding. Most rodeos are pretty relaxed and care free; even for the participants. That is until about a half an hour before they ride or at least that’s how it is for me. I really don’t know why cowboys decide to jump on bulls either but I think your right when it comes to the stupidity part. Every bull rider I know seems to think they need to prove something for some reason. I have so many friends that ride bulls that I can’t even watch it; which works out perfectly because I usually have to be getting my horse ready during the event. I’ve also seen a lot of them get seriously hurt which is never fun and for some stinking reason they get back on the next night or weekend. A lot of the time they even have broken bones. Every cowboy knows death is a real consequence (usually because they have lost a friend-RIP Daniel and Brad) and there isn’t a cowboy that doesn’t thank the big guy after he is done. I guess they just love the event like I love barrel racing and it truly is indescribable.

  3. You brought up a really interesting idea in your post about the "lingo" of the rodeo. If you ever do another research essay, or even just a personal essay, the topic of "rodeo lingo" could be really interesting for those of us with less experience than you.
